Friday, March 26, 2010

Trying Again

I've never been good with blogs, but I was recently inspired by the Burke and Jardon blog. Maybe I can just get Erin or Andrea to write my blog for me :) Anywho, I'll catch you up on the Jones' family: Joel, Erin, Emma, and Taylor.

Joel is finding fatherhood keeping him pretty busy these days. With my return to work three weeks ago we are trying to coordinate new schedules, feedings, and bed time. In between all that he tries to find time to keep up with friends and hobbies. We've grown a lot together since Emma's been born. It's wonderful to feel so close and confident having each other at this new stage. Emma loves her Daddy. She would call him Funny Man if she could talk yet.

I can't get enough of Emma these days. I'm handling the return to work pretty well I think, but of course miss her every moment that we are apart. She's four months old now and growing right before our eyes. She's able to concentrate pretty well on what we are doing these days. She follows objects and is starting to react to them. I think she's going to start grabbing things any day now. She's lazy when it comes to tummy time and rolling over, but I would be also, so I can't blame her. She holds her head up well and loves to be sitting up (with support still). Her favorite position is when Joel stands her in his lap. This week she starting babbling a lot more. She has the most beautiful voice. Grammy thinks she'll be an alto like her mom :)

Taylor has adjusted well. She seemed depressed when we first brought Emma home from the hospital, but now she gets excited to see her (wiggles her butt when we bring Emma into the room) and other times will randomly walk over, lick Emma, and walk away. I think Taylor has accepted her as part of the pack now. I really look forward to Emma recognizing Taylor and the first time she laughs at her.

Emma is 14 lbs and 25 inches, I think she'll have my height. She's been sleeping through the night (about 11 hours) for three weeks now. We put her down between 7pm and 8pm and she sleeps until between 6am and 7am. That is a HUGE blessing. Of course Joel and I have slept better than most all along because Emma has been in her own room since the day she came home from the hospital. We got a little off schedule this past weekend when we went out of town for a family weekend. She didn't sleep as well, but once we got back home she adjusted well and is sleeping like a rock again.

It was a great weekend. It was so nice to see family members that either hadn't seen Emma at all or hadn't seen her since Christmas. It was fun to show her off. It was the first time putting her in a dress since the weather was warmer. My cousin, Trae, got married and it was a lovely wedding. I've never seen Trae so happy! It was a sweet sight!